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Skutterudite is named after the town of Skotterud in Norway by its discoverer Wilhelm Karl von Haidinger in 1845. It is a cobalt arsenide mineral, often found with arsenopyrite, bismuth and silver.    

Skutterudite helps to clear and reset your perspective, bringing a sense of peace and new direction. It also helps to detoxify and cleanse stagnant energy, and grounds and centres you, making it a great crystal to use during meditation, as it can help calm the mind and promote a sense of relaxation. Skutterudite can also be used for chakra work, as it is believed to help balance the Chakras and promote overall physical and emotional well-being.

Alternative Names N/A
Colour Silver, Metallic
Hardness 5.5 - 6
Crystal system Isometric
Streak Black
Lustre Metallic
Main Locations Morocco, Norway, Germany
Chakra Crown
Zodiac N/A
Numerology N/A
Planetary N/A
Element N/A

1 Result

Skutterudite Specimen #2

Skutterudite Specimen #2


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