Muscovite is the most common of the mica family crystals, and grows in large sheets or 'book' formations. It is silvery and has good transparency when held up to the light, Muscovite has many industrial uses still today, including building and electronics work. The name Muscovite comes from the term Muscovy Glass, which was a name for the thick sheets of Mica used as a substitute for glass in Russia.
Muscovite can help in learning and studying, making it a helpful tool for students or anyone looking to improve their knowledge and skills. This crystal can also help increase problem solving skills, making it a valuable asset for those looking to overcome obstacles and challenges.
Alternative Names | Mica |
Colour | Pink, White, Metallic |
Hardness | 2.5 |
Crystal system | Monoclinic |
Streak | White |
Lustre | Vitreous, Silky, Pearly |
Main Locations | USA, India, China, Russia, Brazil, Namibia |
Chakra | Heart |
Zodiac | Aquarius, Leo |
Numerology | 1 |
Planetary | Sun |
Element | Air |
Optical Muscovite Mica with Copper #7
Optical Muscovite Mica with Copper #5
Optical Muscovite Mica with Copper #2
Optical Muscovite Mica with Copper #1
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