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This hard-to-find mineral is usually clear, blue or yellow, and almost always seen in tiny crystals. It also displays the same piezoelectric properties as Quartz, and is named after the Russian mineralogist Jeremejev after its discovery in the Russian mountains in 1883. Only a tiny amount of crystals have ever been found large enough to be faceted, and prices can fetch up to $2,000 per carat

Jeremejevite has an extremely strong vibration that can help those who are going through life changes or dealing with grief. Jeremejevite can also increase clairvoyance and precognition, making it an excellent crystal for those who wish to develop their psychic abilities. It is also a fantastic meditation crystal that can help one achieve a deeper state of relaxation and clarity of mind.

Alternative Names N/A
Colour Blue
Hardness 7
Crystal system Hexagonal
Streak White
Lustre Vitreous
Main Locations Namibia, Russia
Chakra Throat, Third Eye
Zodiac N/A
Numerology N/A
Planetary N/A
Element Earth

1 Result

Jeremejevite Crystal #4

Jeremejevite Crystal #4


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