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Chrysocolla is a copper silicate crystal often found alongside Malachite and Azurite. It is a very popular gemstone in the USA, and bears a strong resemblance to turquoise, with its shades of bright blue-green. It has long been regarded as a very peaceful crystal, and has been prized by Native Americans as a powerful healing stone and one that increased the body's resilience and resistance. The Egyptians also prized it for its protective and peaceful energy, including the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra.

Chrysocolla can help revitalise relationships that have become lack-lustre, it helps to boost female sexuality and is also believed to be soothing during pregnancy. Chrysocolla stimulates creativity and balances the Earth's natural energy, and it is especially beneficial for those who tend to be loudmouthed or indiscreet. Chrysocolla can also help relieve stress, phobias, and tension, as well as help mend a broken heart by releasing bad influences. This crystal promotes harmony, aids meditation and communication, and encourages self-awareness.

Alternative Names N/A
Colour Green, Blue
Hardness 2.5 - 3.5
Crystal system Orthorhombic
Streak Light Green
Lustre Vitreous
Main Locations USA, Africa
Chakra Throat, Heart
Zodiac Taurus, Gemini, Virgo
Numerology 5
Planetary Mercury
Element Water

18 Results

Druzy Chrysocolla with Malachite Specimen #4
Chrysocolla & Tenorite Planet Ranch Mine Specimen #5