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Calcite is found all over the world in a variety of forms and colours, often in combination with other minerals. The more common forms of Calcite are Orange, Blue, Green and Yellow; Iceland Spar is a clear double refractive variety that forms natural rhomboids. Mangano Calcite is a rare pink variety, with high quality specimens from Peru displaying pink and white banding. Black Calcite, also known as Shamanite, is another rare variety. Interestingly, Calcite and Aragonite are identical in chemical makeup, but crystallize differently to give us different crystals.

Calcite is a powerful healer, and it can help to improve decision making. It is also thought to boost leadership abilities and improve self-worth and confidence. It is beneficial in learning new things and developing skills, and it can aid you in completing your goals. Its connections with helping to increase mental abilities and aid with memory retention makes it an ideal crystal for students or anyone who wishes to improve their learning capabilities.

Alternative Names Master Shamanite
Colour White, Black, Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Red
Hardness 3
Crystal system Trigonal
Streak White 
Lustre Vitreous
Main Locations Worldwide
Chakra Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, Root
Zodiac Cancer
Numerology 8
Planetary Pluto
Element Fire, Air

46 Results

Calcite Crystal - Chenzhou, China #3

Calcite Crystal - Chenzhou, China #3


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Calcite Crystal - Chenzhou, China #2

Calcite Crystal - Chenzhou, China #2


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Calcite with Chalcophanite - Herculano Mine, Spain #6
Calcite with Chalcophanite - Herculano Mine, Spain #5
Calcite with Chalcophanite - Herculano Mine, Spain #4
Calcite with Chalcophanite - Herculano Mine, Spain #3
Calcite with Chalcophanite - Herculano Mine, Spain #2
Calcite with Chalcophanite - Herculano Mine, Spain #1
Columnar Calcite - Fujian #15

Columnar Calcite - Fujian #15


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Columnar Calcite - Fujian #14

Columnar Calcite - Fujian #14


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Columnar Calcite - Fujian #13

Columnar Calcite - Fujian #13


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Columnar Calcite - Fujian #11

Columnar Calcite - Fujian #11


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Columnar Calcite - Fujian #10

Columnar Calcite - Fujian #10


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Columnar Calcite - Fujian #9

Columnar Calcite - Fujian #9


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Columnar Calcite - Fujian #6

Columnar Calcite - Fujian #6


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Columnar Calcite - Fujian #5

Columnar Calcite - Fujian #5


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