The office is now closed for Christmas, new orders will be dispatched when we reopen on 2nd Jan. Merry Christmas!

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Stichtite on its own is a pink/purple crystal that is often found alongside green Serpentine, and given the name Atlantisite. After its discovery in 1910, it was named after the manager of the mine where it was found, Robert Sticht.

Stichtite can help you connect with your guardian angels and spirit guides, providing guidance and support. Stichtite can also help to resolve emotional issues, encouraging you to be more loving and compassionate towards yourself and others. This crystal can also provide a boost to productivity, helping you stay focused and motivated in your work. Stichtite is often used to assist in Kundalini awakening, a process of spiritual enlightenment and self-realisation.

Alternative Names N/A
Colour Purple
Hardness 1.5 - 2
Crystal system Trigonal
Streak Pale Violet Blue
Lustre Waxy, Greasy, Pearly
Main Locations Australia, South Africa, Canada
Chakra Heart
Zodiac Virgo
Numerology 5
Planetary N/A
Element Air

1 Result

Stichtite A Grade Tumbled Crystals in hand

Stichtite A Grade Tumbled Crystal

5.0 (4)


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