Sapphire is the name given to all colour variants of Corundum apart from red. Sapphires are most commonly seen in blue, but actually can be found in many colours including pink, white, orange, yellow and green. The colour is given by the trace impurities in the crystal - high amounts of iron create blue sapphires, whilst a small amount results in yellow or green, whilst chromium produces pink, and iron or vanadium creates an orange sapphire. Padparadscha Sapphires are highly sought after, they are bright, naturally coloured pink-orange gems from Madagascar and Sri Lanka. They get their name from the Sanskrit for 'tropical lotus flower', describing their incredible colour. The largest Sapphire in the world weighs 563 cts and is a Star Sapphire known as the Star of India, housed in the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC.
Sapphire helps to boost intuition and initiative whilst awakening your spiritual power. Sapphire is also helpful in enhancing learning and can stimulate the Throat Chakra, which aids in clear communication. This crystal helps to calm and focus the mind, making it useful for those with scattered thoughts or a busy mind. Sapphire is also a symbol of love and commitment, making it a popular choice for engagement rings and other romantic jewellery.
Alternative Names | Blue Corundum |
Colour | Blue, Green, Purple, Pink, Orange, Yellow, White |
Hardness | 9 |
Crystal system | Hexagonal |
Streak | White |
Lustre | Adamantine, Vitreous, Pearly |
Main Locations | Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, China, Australia, Myanmar, USA, Pakistan, India |
Chakra | Throat, Third Eye |
Zodiac | Virgo, Gemini |
Numerology | 2 |
Planetary | Earth, Mars |
Element | Fire, Water, Air |
Eye of Odin Sapphire Sphere #2
Eye of Odin Sapphire Sphere #1
Yellow Sapphire Faceted Gem #1
Sapphire Crystal #11
Sapphire Crystal #9
Sapphire Crystal #6
Sapphire Crystal #5
Sapphire Crystal #2
Sapphire Crystal #1
Blue Sapphire Silver Necklace #4
Yellow Sapphire Silver Necklace #3
Yellow Sapphire Silver Necklace #2
Yellow Sapphire Silver Necklace #1
Royal Sapphire Incense Sticks - New Moon Aroma
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