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Snakeskin Agate

Snakeskin Agate originates from Oregon, USA. It is a slightly translucent light brown agate with 'scaly' patterns on and white markings, leading to its name.

Snakeskin Agate serves as a gentle reminder to appreciate the simple joys and pleasures that life has to offer, helping to cultivate a sense of gratitude and mindfulness. Snakeskin Agate also acts as a powerful booster of optimism and self-esteem, instilling a positive outlook and promoting a healthy sense of self-worth. Its energy facilitates mental clarity and focus, allowing for improved concentration and productivity. Snakeskin Agate is believed to possess the ability to aid in finding lost items, acting as a helpful guide in locating what has been misplaced. This crystal helps to empower individuals by enhancing self-esteem and encouraging them to take more risks, fostering personal growth and development.

Alternative Names N/A
Colour White, Grey
Hardness 7
Crystal system Trigonal
Streak White
Lustre Waxy, Dull
Main Locations USA
Chakra Root
Zodiac Scorpio
Numerology 7
Planetary N/A
Element Earth

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